Our Process.

The SCREEN Method

Consistency and quality through our innovative method of providing online educational services.


We use our expertise to select the perfect tutor for you. All of our tutors adhere to the high standards of ExtendEd and our proven methods of instruction.


Our tutors provide personalized support to the student and work with a larger team to develop an education plan that provides the students with additional context for their course work.


We believe that our tutors help our students more effectively when we help our tutors. We place a major emphasis on tutor development and student guidance. Behind the tutor there is an instruction team that assists a tutor in the science of teaching and helps provide curriculum support for the student.


We exclusively hire our tutors through recommendation of professors. Our tutors are given assessments not only based on what they know in a given subject but also on how they teach the material.


We’re here for students every step of the way on their education journey, from K-12 and beyond. We believe in forming a lasting relationship with our clients— online education doesn’t need to be remote.


We assess the student’s current knowledge and utilize a holistic approach to improve upon their skills by teaching in a manner that instills confidence and certainty in their abilities.




Once you’re enrolled you’ll be matched with an expert tutor based on your needs and abilities.

No back and forth scheduling - your sessions will be booked directly with ExtendEd.

Your tutor will assist with test preparation, assignments, essays, and more!

Once a week your tutor will meet with an instruction team to discuss a plan and monitor your progress.

You can even request additional materials to either help review or to get ahead.

If there is ever any difficulty scheduling with your tutor- no problem! Your tutor is a part of an expert team that can fill in when necessary!

Your hours never expire!

Use them when you need them.

Have a question?

Let us know!